Potion Tycoon is fully OUT TODAY!

Greetings, potion magnates!

It might feel like it was no longer than a fortnight, but it actually took us one and a half years to get to this point. And it was quite a journey, wasn’t it?! Bumpy at times—but hopefully not too much—for you, and a proper rollercoaster ride for us. But believe it or not, now it’s finally over!

Wrapped in a shiny version 1.0 vessel with a handful of fancy embellishments on top, and carrying our letter of love and gratitude inside, Potion Tycoon is set to sail off the Early Access dock into the vastness of the Full Release ocean today!

As for the newly equipped bells and whistles, we tried our best not to disappoint each and every recipient of our quaint brew—be they an ardent alchemy adept or an occasional passerby alike.

Whoever removes the cork from the Potion Tycoon’s container, will first find a bunch of freshly overhauled “how-to” tutorials with animated video guidelines, and then will enjoy a greater variety of playable game content along with a large number of balance and quality improvements across the board.

Ultimately, they will get to learn the complete, uncut story of a humble shopkeeper’s ascent to the top, culminating in the engrossing and decisive Royal Race events.

And to top it all off, should they fall in love with what Potion Tycoon has to offer them on the first run-through, they will now be able to relive their potion crafting adventure at a brand-new fictional location while using a custom assortment of tunable management conditions and setups in the Custom Scenario mode.

We do hope that this final Potion Tycoon update manages to bolster positive impressions amongst you, as it has been made—as well as all previous updates to date—with our players in mind and tailored to your wishes with utmost attention and respect!

Potion Tycoon is now available on all major PC storefronts at a sweet -40% introductory discount:



Epic Games Store

Last but not least, please check out Potion Tycoon 1.0 release trailer with the Early Access recap and accept our heartfelt gratitude for coming all this way along with us!

Farewell and take care, potion magnates!

Bewitchingly yours,
Snowhound Games

#PotionTycoon #managementsim #indiegame #fullrelease #launchtrailer

Snowhound just turned 5!

Snowhound game studio celebrates its fifth anniversary!

Five years ago, on this very day, the first day of winter (a good symbolism, huh?) our little snow cub was born. It was silly and clumsy at first, but through all the obstacles, all the hardships, all the challenges, all ups and downs along the way it eventually got this far.

What a ride it’s been! Two published games to date and more coming soon – so far so good!

Thank you so much everyone who supported us during this years and enjoyed what we’ve been doing! There’s more to come and we look to the future with more excitement and optimism than ever. The story of Snowhound continues, so stay tuned!